Monday, November 15, 2010

John Tyner Tells the TSA: "Don't Touch My Junk!"

John Tyner, 31-year old California male attempting to board a plane in San Diego got into an altercation with the Transportation Security Administration regarding their new security procedures.

Apparently, Tyner wasn't too pleased with the level of personal contact involved in the procedure... The interaction between the TSA official and Tyner really heats up around the 1:15 mark. Here's the link:

YouTube - Man to security: Don't 'touch my junk'

The video was sent to CNN, which seems to own the footage now. To me, one of the more fascinating pieces about the clip is the reaction of the CNN anchors who seem to blame Tyner. Amazing...

I guarantee it, "Don't Touch My Junk" will become THE catch phrase of 2010. Right up there with past classics, like "Don't Taze Me Bro" and "Mission Accomplished".

Statement from the San Diego Airport below:

Officials Defend Airport Security Procedures |

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